The Healy is a bio-resonance device that supports your body’s energy field while also promoting deep cellular healing.
In nearly all instances of acute and chronic illness, the cell voltage is reduced. Reduced cell voltage induces disease by disrupting the cell’s internal biochemical processes by the use of resonant frequency waves, the Healy aids in the restoration of equilibrium. It uses very specifically energetic harmonic currents to activate and restore optimum cellular activity go to this site for more info on the frequency healing machine.
The Healy is a tiny but highly complex piece of machinery. The Healy aims to restore the average voltage of the cell membrane by using specific frequencies and low amplitude currents to reverse the mechanism of decreasing cell voltage. Inability to focus, learning problems, stress/burnout, physical illnesses and sickness, poor recovery from injuries, cellulite, skin breakouts, mental health issues, and cognitive dysfunction are just some of the signs associated with compromised cells.
The Healy uses energy frequencies delivered by electrodes applied to the body to positively affect the body’s ability to work at its expected, harmonic frequency. We weren’t made to be sad, nervous, hyper-reactive, or live with chronic pain and exhausting disease conditions. There are signs of far greater imbalances, and your Healy is a way to reclaim ownership of your health by positively influencing more of your body’s cells to begin behaving as nature intended.
You may use the system for long periods, running ongoing programs every day or only once in a while to improve your vitality and well-being, for instance, at the end of a long day at work.
Wellness in terms of energy:
Your Healy makes it simple to remain bio-energetically fit and safe. It’s a little device that you can take with you everywhere you go, and it has a lot of promise for helping individuals and families remain well in these periods of chronic energetic overload and toxicity. In the European Union, the Healy implant is approved as a prescription device to treat chronic pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, and skeletal pain.
Easy to use:
After you’ve got your Healy device:
- Go to the Google Play or Apple App Store and update the Healy app to your smartphone or tablet.
- Synchronize your Healy with your machine so that your phone or tablet serves as your Healy’s computer screen.
- Pick the Healy software you want to run from the app.
The number of services you’ll be able to use is determined by the Healy version you bought (Gold, Holistic Health, HH+, or Resonance).
You’ll be told to add one of the linking electrodes to your body until you’ve chosen the software you want to run (bracelet, ear-clip, or adhesive electrodes). This allows the delivery of frequency waves to your area. When you press the start button, the chosen software will begin to run. Learn more